19,90 inkl. USt.

C-Section Moms – Caesarean mothers in words and photographs

Photo book, guide and a treasure trove of experiences for pregnant women, mothers and obstetricians

Autorin: Caroline Oblasser | Fotos: Gudrun Wesp

Erscheinungstermin: 2014 (2. Auflage)
Umfang: 492 Seiten
Format: 17 x 22 cm
Ausstattung: Paperback, zahlreiche s/w Fotos
ISBN: 978-3-902943-52-1

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ISBN eBook: 978-3-902943-53-8

€ 16,99 inkl. USt.


Collected experiences of 162 Caesarean mothers - Comprehensive, clear and honest

* Mothers with one, two, three or four Caesareans aged between 20 and 77
* Experiences after emergency, elective and planned Caesarean sections
* Spontaneous birth after a C-Section (VBAC)
* Aesthetic photographs of 60 different Caesarean scars
* The “gentle Caesarean section“: Photo report of a Caesarean section using the “Misgav Ladach“ method
* PLUS: Caesarean surgery: Preparation, procedure, aftercare


“Thank you for this book – a great idea. Thank you for your work and initiative. You helped me accept my ‚Caesarean fate‘ in its entirety.“ 47 years, 1 Caesarean
“A book by women – for women!” 35 years, 1 Caesarean
“It is always good to chat to other Caesarean mothers and, despite all the different experiences, to come to the conclusion that this was the best way to deliver a healthy child! Good luck with your book!” 36 years, 2 Caesareans
“It feels so good to be able to share experiences with like-minded people.” 50 years, 2 Caesareans
“Through this project I have been able to remember a lot of things that I experienced 40 years ago. An interesting project!” 65 years, 2 Caesareans
“Good luck with the book! I think this is exactly what expectant mummies need.” 28 years, 2 children, 1 Caesarean
“The scar on the outside is not the same as the inner scar – Thanks for the experience.” 29 years, 3 Caesareans

Caroline Oblasser (PhD) is the author of several books. Her first daughter was born by Caesarean which was not planned, daughters number 2 and 3 were born at home.

Caroline Oblasser

Caroline Oblasser ist Musikerin, vierfache Mutter und leitet von zu Hause aus den Verlag edition riedenburg, den sie auch gegründet hat. Die promovierte Sprachwissenschaftlerin studierte an der Universität Salzburg Linguistik und an der Universität für Auslandsstudien in Kyoto Japanisch. Seit ihrem vierten Lebensjahr spielt sie Violoncello und ist Absolventin der Universität Mozarteum Salzburg. Zu ihren Büchern gehören unter anderem "Der Kaiserschnitt hat kein Gesicht", "Luxus Privatgeburt", "Regelschmerz ade!" und verschiedene Titel der SOWAS!-Sachbuchreihe von Psychologin Sigrun Eder.

Bücher von Caroline Oblasser

Gudrun Wesp

"C-Section Moms" (Fotografin) "Der Kaiserschnitt hat kein Gesicht" (Fotografin)